Our studio’s commitment to design for well-being reveals our understanding of the direct impact that built environments have on our physical and emotional health. While the end result is our North Star, the process to get there is as important. We do our best to create supportive and nurturing working relationships with clients and collaborators alike, which sets a respectful tone throughout. We naturally gravitate towards people and companies that we respect and admire, with shared language and values. We aspire to excellence without pretension. We give our clients and ourselves the permission to iterate until it’s right and our projects evolve through a design process that is deeply considered.
1 | MEET
[ Introductions & Design Brief ]
We will meet in person and get to know each other while openly discussing all aspects that might be relevant and enriching to our design process. I will ask questions to learn about your lifestyle, your desires and needs as well as your budget and timeline. I will explain how we work and set the expectations for the phases to come. After understanding the scope of the project I will prepare a detailed work agreement proposal.
[ Site Analysis & Measurement ]
Once our work agreement is signed, we begin with an initial site visit to understand the existing conditions and visualize the space’s potential. Your presence is fundamental as we walk through rooms and feel into all possibilities together. We will start to discuss design directions while taking notes of possible constraints and opportunities. We will have produced by a licensed professional a complete as-built drawing set with floor plans and elevations in 3D CAD format. We will document the site and review laws and regulations applicable to your project.
[ Space Strategy & Feng Shui Analysis ]
After collecting all information from your site and understanding your wishes and needs we start an in-depth study and evaluation phase. In most projects I use Feng Shui methodologies as a foundational tool for the design work. By working with space energetics we can use directionality, form, colors and materiality to create stronger connections with the environment around us. We evaluate the building’s context, interior and exterior views, natural light, wind patterns, historic context, flow and geometry.
[ Ideation ]
In this phase we begin exploring design concepts in 3D with preliminary options of layouts. We will provide inspirational imagery and start to build together a design language for your project. The goal at the end of this phase is to agree on a final direction for the overall layout and to have a visual direction for the look and feel.
[ Schematic Design ]
Once we have defined a layout we proceed to prepare a concept package. We will develop technical drawings of floor plans, elevations and other related items in greater detail. Furniture layouts are developed. We will assist you in researching, interviewing and selecting a general contractor. At the end of this phase we will receive a preliminary project costs prepared by the general contractor.
[ Design Development ]
During this phase we will meet regularly to finalize materials, finishes, colors, lighting fixtures, hardware, fittings and equipment selection. We will design and provide drawings for woodwork items including doors, windows and all built–in furniture including kitchen and bathrooms. We will continue to provide information to the general contractor to update project costs.
[ Construction Documentation ]
A detailed set of documentation is developed for construction purposes including lighting plans, plumbing location and electrical layouts. We develop schedules that provide details on all components that are attached to the building. We will coordinate the work of the other consultants to the project, including structural and electrical engineers. We keep working in collaboration with the general contractor to make sure that the design choices stay within budget.
[ Construction Overview ]
We provide assistance through the construction process to ensure conformance of the design intent. We collaborate with fabricators and consultants, review shop drawings, and respond to questions in a timely manner. We schedule regular site visits and overview all major installations.
9 | SHOP
[ Selection and Purchase ]
At this stage we start the procurement of furniture, fabrics, rugs, accessories, lighting fixtures, window treatments and artwork. We will carefully curate and provide options that are within your budget from both retail and wholesale sources. We keep track of all payments, coordinate deliveries and storage for all items until installation.
[ Installation ]
To keep the process time-efficient, we strive to consolidate deliveries and installations to be performed within one week. Items are brought from the storage facility into your place and a designer will be present to overview all installations.
[ Walk Through ]
We will meet at the finished space and evaluate our process. You will receive a digital folder with copies of invoices, drawings, and warranty information on all purchases.